Graphic & Web Designer • Wedding Planner • WordPress Expert
“Sometimes the best contribution you can make [as a designer] is not directly creative at all, but a question you can ask.” — C. Butler

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About me
The impermanence of the hyperconnected world we live in a source of exhaustion. We manage so much information on a daily basis that it is difficult to take the time and perspective necessary to define yourself or your business. So how to exist in this ocean?
I have always had a DIY soul. For me, there isn’t much difference between technique and visual, because when you skillfully merge it together you get what we call design! Humbly, I try to show through my work that order is born from chaos, that the unknown is curiosity yet to fulfill, that constraint is merely a rule of the game. Any topic is worth of interest when revealing its essence through humor, poetry, metaphor, curiosity…!
So let’s take some time together to ask the essential questions. Let’s put a few words on who you are and the story you have to tell. Let’s notice the fun little details! Let’s connect all these aetheral ideas and merge them into a structured and tangible whole that looks like you and that will define you, both retroactively and for years to come.
To support you, I followed 9 years of studies: 3 diplomas up to Master degree, and won several prizes including the prestigious Hans Wilsdorf Award of Excellence in Visual Communication 2016 which rewards my diploma work and all of my career at HEAD – Geneva. Nowadays, I am a freelance designer and teacher at ERACOM.